When Life Gives you Lemons....

       We have all heard this saying.  It has been around for generations.  It can be motivating to hear sayings like this or it can ruin the mood.  Most times, these saying ruin my mood.  I don't respond to the basic kind of motivation that everyone in the world does.  I always feel a little different.  Thus, the reason I am starting this blog 10 years behind the entire world.  😂
        Today is the day I have decided, again, that I need a change.  Anyone who previously knows me, knows that I am always up for certain changes.  Change is what brings my life new meaning.  I hate getting stuck in a rut.  I hate having stagnant feelings of "why am I doing this" or "am I even happy with my life right now?".  I don't love feeling that way, and I thought I would document my changes, hence the name... Katie Needs A Change.  I feel that through life, we can read other's comments and insight on their life experiences, which will help us change for the better.
        My husband and I, Ben, have been married for 12 years.  We are currently on our 13th year.  That is a long time!  For those who have been married longer, 13 years might not sound so long.  For others who have never had a serious relationship, it sounds like forever.  And all of the others inbetween the two options, I'm not sure what you think.  When I sit down and truly think about being with one person for 13 years, it is a realty check for me. I never really had a boyfriend in high school.  I didn't date much.  I would be considered the "loud" one of the group.  I was confident and didn't let boys get in my way of what I wanted.  I always wanted a boyfriend, but that wasn't my main focus.  I was a cheerleader, but growing up a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints didn't always get me invited to the parties.  I am thankful for that though.  I don't think I would have stayed too active in my faith if I was concerned about partying in high school.  I graduated and moved on.  I went to Cosmetology school.  I finished that, got my license and worked in a salon for a while (Yes, I am licensed in the state of California to do hair, nails, facials and waxing... I still have my license but I am a high school English teacher now).  When I turned 21 I decided to go on a mission for my church.  I served for 18 months in the Ohio Cleveland Mission and the Kirtland Historical Sites.  It was an amazing experience to learn who I was, where I am going, why I am here, and who I wanted to be.  I grew up a lot in that time.  I developed a strong relationship with my savior.  I met and married my husband in November of 2007 and we have been in such a whirlwind of a realtionship.  We all come with baggage and I had my fair share.  My husband has been a trooper with all the stuff I have been through in my life.  That is a blog for another day.
        Today, my change is with my weight.  I am tired of being fat.  I don't say I am fat because of needing sympathy or pitty from others.  I say this because it is true.  My weight is not what it should be.  I am not trying to be skinny, or look like what others look like.  I want to be at a healthy size for my body type.  I know my body type is thicker than most.  I was blessed with thunder thighs and a large behind.  I can accept that.  I am tired of food controlling me.  I have had three beautiful children, but I have not been successful in my weight control and how to get food to work for me.  Well... now is the time for that.  I am ready for that change, and I am focused!
        Since being stuck at home for six weeks now, because of COVID 19, I have been working out five days a week and I am going to start counting my Macros.  I have been running for years and I noticed that I never lost weight.  I started lifting weights but then school started again and Summer was over.  My life has been full of craziness for a long time.  It wasn't until recently that I feel like I can really focus on me.  I still have little ones at home, but it has changed a little bit.  It is nice to workout, focus on my eating habits, spend time with the kids, and still be able to work.  We are still in a stay at home order, but my students are in school online.  I thrive in that environment since that is the format that I got my Bachelors, credential, and Masters in.  I feel like I could teach online forever.  I know that other teachers don't feel that way.  And I totally feel that there are a lot of students who also don't feel that way.
        Back to my current change.... I am working on changing my weight.  I don't want to just lose weight, I want to be fit and strong.  I am no longer scared of being bulky.  My body is built to be bulky.  I am totally a squatter!  I have the body for it.  I am embracing that!!!  
        Until next week.... 
